The ideology of the school defines our understanding of how knowledge should be disseminated to pupils to ensure effectiveness and efficiency. The notion of the school is elitist and it is aimed at disseminating knowledge using the Montessori concept. We adopt a consciously flexible approach to knowledge in a way that will strike a balance between Islamic and western values. |
Caliphs Schools was established as a subsidiary of Royal Caliphs Nigeria Limited which was registered as a limited liability company with the Corporate Affairs Commission on 10th September, 2014 with the registration number RC 1215324. The school opened for business with the intake of three pupils, two of who are the proprietor’s, in September 2014.
The journey to the final decision to establish Caliphs Schools is a long but interesting one. The first concrete step towards formalizing the concept of imparting knowledge to others in an organized manner was taken as far back as 1998 with the establishment of Foresight Grammarians which itself was a reaction to the successive and incessant mass failure of students in the English language examination of West African Examination Council (WAEC).
The notion was further strengthened by the highly impressive records of successes that trailed the effort. The turning point did not however occur until 2014 when there was a dire need for a school that fuses Islamic education with western education in a way that strikes the balance between the two constructs of knowledge and equip the child for the responsibility of leadership tomorrow. Unfortunately, most of the schools available had no consideration for this important requirement. It was at that point that we had the conviction that it was time to establish a Caliphs Schools which will be a benchmark for others.


School Ideology